Life: Left of Centre

Archive for June 2012

To kick us off in this new world of blogging, I give you a blog I wrote in mid-2011, on the benefits of sustainable social entrepreneurship in the Higher Education sector. Enjoy!..

What do I mean by the ‘Social Aspirational Gap’? Well, I’ve borrowed the phrase from Matthew Taylor’s (Chair of the RSA and formally head of the No. 10 Policy Unit under ex PM Tony Blair) excellent keynote address to the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education’s) Annual Conference last week. It is essentially the gap between where society is now and where we want it to be in the future. The question is; do we have the tools required to get there?

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So after a short hiatus – where real-world novelty and excitement has meant it has now been nearly a month since I last posted here – I’m back, and with a two new focusses to add to this blog…

1) Higher Education and Social Enterprise

I have always been passionate about not only the Third and Volunteering sectors, but also the Higher Education sector. Indeed the last 10 years of my life have been dedicated to them.

With a brand new full-time role under my belt, embedding social entrepreneurship (sustainable do-gooding for those to whom this vernacular is foreign) and enterprise within universities across England,  it seems very appropriate to be talking about a subject area that is so dear to my heart (all views my own of course!)

For politics alone will not change society – but rather the combination of a committed, grassroots movement, who embrace and drive forwards change. Higher Education is a hugely fertile ground for this, and I’m here to say more!

2) Sport: wherefore art thou?

One of the original focussed of this blog was to have been the world of Sport. Another passion of mine, and one that I have strong views on – as with the other topics listed here under the ‘categories’ section.

Those of you with a keen eye (and probably those without too!) will have spotted that I have so far posted a total of ‘0’ blogs on the topic. Never fear though – this will be changing over the coming months!

Right, update over – on to the blogs!

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